Home πŸ‘RatedπŸ‘Ž Trader Joe’s Greek Chickpeas with Parsley & Cumin Rated: 69%πŸ‘

Trader Joe’s Greek Chickpeas with Parsley & Cumin Rated: 69%πŸ‘

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69% of those who voted rate Trader Joe’s Greek Chickpeas with Parsley & Cumin a good buy! Will you be adding these to your Trader Joe’s List?

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Arthur February 23, 2021 - 12:51 am

Your Greek Chickpeas are fantastic! I eat them right out of the can. I don’t care how much they cost. My wife says she can’t find them in our local Trader Joe’s (Santa Clarita, CA) anymore.

I can’t believe anyone would not like them (31%). Perhaps they are allergic to parsley or cumin. Who can say???

Margaret March 5, 2021 - 6:17 pm

I opened the can when I got home from the store to “try” them. I couldn’t stop eating them, they were so goooooood!! Now I can’t find them anymore.

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